Website Created~!

This is a simple post to test out the website and see what kind of things it can handle. Let’s try to break this thing as best we can, everybody!


See that? It’s the power of a straight-up Rich Text Editor’s image insert function.

I’m not entirely sure why people need such graphical representations of what they’re putting into their website, but hey, whatever floats their boats I suppose.

Here is how the quotes will look for future reference.

See? Those were quotes. Odd.

this text is in the middle of the page

this text is on the right side of the page

this text is on the left side again

See? That right there let me test out the border, width, and custom coded getborder() function that I coded into my framework for the site’s CSS. ON THE FLY. YOU SHOULD THANK ME.

Just to note, when i tried to type poorly the spell checker didn’t do anything against it. FireFox was a far better spell checker, in fact.

The system seems to crash if we try to select a featured image at the moment, am trying to bugfix with next build of the CSS code

Thank god my computers at work had this code because seriously I mean otherwise we would be so screwed I would have to go download Adobe DreamWorks and then pay for it or go to McDonalds and pirate it even though its illegal and then when i tried to fall asleep the next night a series of Cops and FBI would try to invade my dorm and it would be awkward as heck because everyone in the dorm would be like “dude why are cops shooting at the dorm” and then I would shrug and make a face and then everyone would go “Niiiiiiiiiick” and then the show would end as everybody laughs 🙂


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